My top 5 news sources

My top sources of news information include:

1.) New York Times- 

The New York Times is my primary source of news information, and I read The Times at least three times a week.  Part of what attracted me to The Times was the fact that it tends to have a liberal perspective on many topics, particularly politics.  My political views are also liberal, which is why I acquire a great deal of my information from the New York Times.  

I also admire how the New York Times covers a diverse range of topics, including politics, fashion, entertainment, social issues, etc.  My objective as a journalist is to broaden my horizon and stay informed about different events that are transpiring around the world.  Furthermore, The New York Times is easy to read, as the articles are clear, concise, and educational all at the same time.  

Recently, I have begun reading more of the op-eds and opinion columns.  I would recommend the New York Times because it is among the top most credible news sources in the country, and it does not appear to take a biased stance on any subject.

Background fact: I submitted an op ed regarding police brutality to the New York Times over the summer.  Although I was unable to have it published, I was still proud of myself for having the courage to put my work out there.  You can't blame a girl for trying right? 

The photo below is from a New York Times article titled "They Stand on the Shoulders of Giants: The Next Generation to March on Washington."  As sad and frustrated as I feel knowing that racial injustice is still prevalent nationwide, it makes me proud to see so many people taking a stand and advocating for the justice and equality that is way overdue.  It also makes me even more compelled to get involved and strive to make a positive difference, which I will.  Silence is no longer an option! 

2.) Washington Post-

The Washington Post is the second top news source where I retrieve information, and I have found it to be a credible and well-balanced source.  Initially, I was mesmerized by the name because I knew that since it was published in the nation's capital, the majority of its stories would be centered around politics, which I love!  Ever since I began reading the Washington Post, I have cultivated a clearer understanding of politics, elections, political candidates, voters, etc.  

The Washington Post served as a great guide in leading me to vote for who I believed was the best candidate in the Primary Election this past spring, and through reading, I have also learned the significance of participating in our democracy.  I also enjoy reading about other topics in the Washington Post, such as the Black Lives Matter protests, reopening of schools, as well as the pandemic.  I would recommend the Washington Post because it focuses greatly on Politics, which affects our lives in many ways, and it is important that we as U.S. citizens are educated about elections, candidates, policies, etc.

Background fact: I also submitted my police brutality op-ed to the Washington Post for consideration this summer, but unfortunately they were unable to publish it.  It was still worth a shot though!

The photo below features a young man and his older sister embracing each other in front of a mural of Elijah Mcclain, who was choked to death by several Denver police officers in August 2019.  This article emphasizes how minorities, particularly Black males, are constantly harassed and abused by police in predominantly white suburbs.  This worries me because I have resided in the suburbs for most of my life, and although I feel safe for the most part, I still worry about this happening to me and my family.

A brother and sister visit a mural of Elijah McClain in Denver on Aug. 8, ahead of the one-year anniversary of his death. (Kevin Mohatt/Reuters)


I read several times a week, specifically for updates on information regarding the pandemic, the upcoming election, as well as how both party candidates are faring in the polls.  Much of what captivated me about was that it is a liberal media source, and I enjoy reading news sources that align with my ideologies.  In addition to politics, I have also observed how CNN always highlights humanitarian issues such as civil rights, immigration, criminal justice reform, healthcare, etc.  

These issues are important to me because I believe in equal treatment and electing leaders who will serve the interests of all people; Therefore, I personally feel that is a credible and ethical news source that shares my beliefs on humanitarianism.  

I would recommend CNN because its news stories are clear, consistent, and comprehensible.  I also grew up reading and watching CNN because it's one of the most common news sources that my parents rely on. 

Background fact: When I was six, I toured the CNN studio in Atlanta.

Actor John Boyega, who is shown below, condemned Disney for casting him in a featured role and then pushing him and other minority cast members aside to centralize white actors.  I was intrigued by this CNN article, as I am aspiring to pursue a career in the entertainment industry as well; however, I believe that Hollywood has a ton of progress to make in diversifying movies and television shows.  

This article also highlights racial discrimination  in the entertainment business that needs to be addressed in order to level the playing field among all actors and actresses regardless of race.

LONDON, ENGLAND - FEBRUARY 02: John Boyega attends the EE British Academy Film Awards 2020 After Party at The Grosvenor House Hotel on February 02, 2020 in London, England.

4.) Fox

Although Fox is a conservative media source, I still read their news articles to gain a balanced perspective on politics, business, public health, and other societal matters.  I decided to start reading more conservative media outlets, as I felt that as a journalist, it was essential that I diversify my sources of news information; I also feel that as an American, I should try to comprehend issues from both sides of the spectrum even if my beliefs may not completely align with one side. 

 I am pleased to say that my thinking has been challenged through reading Fox News, as it has forced me to examine national events more thoroughly, as well as with an open mind.  Furthermore, I have since grown as a reader, as I am obtaining new knowledge from conservative media outlets.  I would recommend Fox News because I have found that its forced me to think critically about topics that I would normally either take a one-sided stance on or ignore altogether. 

Background fact: In elementary school, one of my friends' fathers was a meteorologist on our local Fox News network in Tampa.

The image below is from a Fox News article that discusses how Honeybee venom and melittin were reportedly found to destroy cancer cells and diminish the cells' chemical messengers that cause the cancer to expand.  Multiple tests have proven this to be effective in treating cancer.  This article makes me hopeful that this newly found treatment can help save the lives of those who are currently battling cancer.

Melittin and honeybee venom were studied for their anti-cancer properties and showed they decreased the viability of triple-negative breast cancer cells and HER2-enriched breast cancer cells, Dr.Ciara Duffy said in her study. (iStock)

5.) Tampa Bay Times-

I began reading my local newspaper, The Tampa Bay Times when I was in the sixth grade and have been an avid reader ever since.  The Tampa Bay Times was the first newspaper I ever read, mainly because it's my hometown newspaper.  I read the Tampa Bay Times because I believe it is imperative that I remain abreast of what is going on in my community.  

I read the Tampa Bay Times the most during hurricane season, as I like to be aware if there is a hurricane approaching the Tampa Bay area, and if so, what steps we should take to remain safe.  I would recommend the Tampa Bay Times to anyone who either lives in the Tampa Bay area or is curious as to what is transpiring throughout the city.  From what I have gathered over the years, The Tampa Bay Times is also accurate in all of its information and offers new opinion articles each week.

Background fact: I read in the Tampa Bay Times a few years ago that there was a larger percentage of White Americans living in poverty than Black Americans.

The photo below is from a Tampa Bay Times article regarding how a University of South Florida's ALS clinic was selected to partake in a six month trial to discover a new drug to treat amyotrophic lateral disease (ALS).  This story really hit home for me because one of the teachers at my high school had ALS, and we were informed that there was no cure for it; It makes me optimistic to learn that doctors and researchers are working to develop a cure for the disease. 

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In addition to the five news sources listed above, I have recently started reading The Hill as well.  What I have found so far is that The Hill does not appear to have a conservative or liberal stance on politics; It is fairly moderate compared to other news sources, which I appreciate that it reports information from both the right and left wings.  As of now, my favorite topic to read about in The Hill is international relations.


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