Blog Post 5

                                 Freedom of Expression Values

As I contemplate about the eight values of Freedom of Expression, I would say the four that 

resonate with me the most are: Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self-Government, 

Stable Change, and Individual Self-Fulfillment.

1.) Marketplace of Ideas (Discovery of Truth)-John Milton's ideology suggests that truth will 

always prevail over falsehoods, which I agree with to a degree.  I especially believe that this 

freedom can be associated with court cases both civil and criminal.  In court, it is often 

believed that after hearing all sides of the case, those on the side of right will always prevail.  

In many cases this is true, however, facts are sometimes either ignored or are deemed 

insufficient.  Furthermore, many people are often ridiculed for speaking the truth in everyday 

life.  I however, believe that Marketplace of Ideas are imperative because without the 

Discovery of Truth in our lives, we would live in an unjust society.

2.) Participation in Self-Government-One of the benefits of living in a Democracy is having a 

say in who our leaders are.  It is crucial that U.S. citizens are knowledgeable about all political 

candidates and what they stand for in order to make educated decisions as to who should 

govern our society.  

There should not be any limitations regarding what candidates can communicate to the public 

because members of society must know where they stand on all issues prior to elections.  By 

fully articulating their stance on a variety of topics, candidates allow citizens an opportunity 

to weigh all the pros and cons of each individual, which will therefore help them determine 

which candidate will serve their best interest the most.

3.) Stable Change (Safety Values)-As a black female, I fully support this freedom because I do 

not believe that the voices of minorities are heard or valued to the same degree as the 

dominant White group.  In the aftermath of the recent police killings of innocent Black 

people, there have been a massive number of protest both nationally and internationally.  

While a majority of protests have been peaceful, some have turned violent, as many people 

have aimed their anger towards police officers.  Although I do not condone the violent aspect 

of the protests, I understand that minorities, particularly Black people, are angry and fed up 

with the racism and oppression that they have experienced in this country for the past 400 

years and continue to endure.  

Therefore, I believe that if marginalized groups had more opportunities to express their 

feelings and be taken seriously by government officials, then there would be a lesser incentive 

to resort to protests and potential violence.



4.) Individual Self Fulfillment (Self-Actualization)-Becoming who we were meant to be is one 

of the most essential aspects of human life.  This freedom especially resonates with me 

because all throughout my life, I did not feel that my voice mattered, and I always had to live 

up to other people's expectations of me.  

It took me years to discover who I truly was because for so long, I feared judgement or 

ridicule from others if I dared to try and be myself.  I therefore believe that people should 

have a right to be exactly who God intended for them to be regardless of how others may feel 

about it.  All people are different and unique in their own way and should feel comfortable 

expressing themselves and establishing their own identities.




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