Blog Post #6-EOTO project

                                           Instant Messaging

     We live in a digital world, as the use of technology continues to evolve each year.  With 

the world at our fingertips, a majority of the U.S. populations owns a mobile device, such as 

iPhones, smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.  

With the advancement of technology, we have the luxury of shopping online, downloading 

music, purchasing movies and television shows, connecting with others through social media 

sites, as well as taking virtual classes.  One of the greatest benefits of technology though is 

Instant Messaging.  Instant Messaging is a text based communication strategy that allows 

two or more people to engage in conversations through their phones or online. 





                                     History of Instant Messaging

     Instant Messaging was initially developed by Murray Turoff, a computer scientist, in 1971 

with the objective of assisting the United States government in communicating information 

during times of crises.  Throughout the 1970s, Instant Messaging systems generally required 

Internet users to use the same device in order to transfer messages to other users on the 

computer's system.  By the 1980s, Instant Messaging continued to expand, as it became 

intertwined with the American Online (AOL) browser, which informed users when their 

associates had joined the online browser.  

Once internet usage became more prevalent in the early 1990s, software developers 

invented chat rooms for the purpose of communicating through messages that were viewable 

by all parties; This invention contributed greatly to Instant Messaging becoming what is is 

today, as software developers created new software for Instant Messaging.  Instant 

Messaging usage especially skyrocketed in 1996, when the company Mirabilis, produced a 

tool called ICQ, which enables free instant-messaging. 


             Advantages of Instant Messaging

     1.) People have the luxury of interacting with one another from any given location.  In the 

corporate world, it is imperative that colleagues, managers and other members have the 

ability to converse.

       2.) Instant Messaging allows for virtual discussions where all members can collaborate.  

When either working or communicating with a group of people, all members are able to 

efficiently articulate their thoughts, ideas, feelings, etc.

      3.) Businesses conserve money by using Instant Messaging.  Although long-distance 

phone calls are effective, they are often expensive.  A majority of Instant Messaging systems 

are either cheaper or free.


            Disadvantages of Instant Messaging 

       1.) Instant Messaging deprives people of face to face contact.  This is probably the 

biggest downside to using Instant Messaging, as it is complicated to detect emotions or judge 

the intent behind what the other party is saying.

      2.) People might sometimes be unaware of whom they are communicating with.  This is 

especially true for people who are unfamiliar with the digital world.  There are many online 

predators and con-artists who might disguise themselves as legitimate individuals and prey 

on those who they deem oblivious to online dangers.

      3.)  Security hazards, such as viruses, can be linked to Instant Messaging.  Links will 

sometimes appear on a user's device, and when selected, they can lead the user to an 

illegitimate website that can either steal information or damage the device.


              My perspective on Instant Messaging

     I personally feel that the benefits of Instant Messaging outweigh the disadvantages, 

primarily because I grew up in a digital world and cannot relate to living without technology.  

Instant Messaging has made my life more convenient in terms of being able to connect with 

others in diverse ways besides calling them.  The advancement of technology is also helping 

me become more tech-savvy, which will be beneficial for me as a Journalist, as I will be 

required to transfer certain information to the public via online media outlets.  

Since I am aware of the dangers associated with Instant Messaging, I know which steps to 

take in order to avoid them.  Furthermore, I hope to see new measures introduced in the 

future to increase the efficacy of Instant Messaging. 













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