
Showing posts from September, 2020

Blog Post #3

                             As I have read and analyzed several news articles regarding the Black Lives Matter protests, as well as certain events following them, I've since realized which events are protected under the First Amendment and which are not.  First of all, the fifth clause of the First Amendment allows citizens the right to peacefully assemble, which includes peaceful protesting. According  to an article titled "Nearly all Black Lives Matter protests are Peaceful despite Trump Narrative, report finds" from,  the majority of Black Lives Matter protests between May and August have been peaceful nationwide, as 93% of the protests did not include injuries or destruction to property.  I believe the statistics of this story correlate with the freedom of  assembly, as the First Amendment condones citizens congregating together peacefully in their communities to protest against important issues, such as police brutality and racial injust

Blog Post #2-History and Workings of U.S. Supreme Court

                          Overview of the United States Supreme Court      The United States Supreme Court is the most prestigious federal court in the nation and the highest ranking court of the judicial branch.  The Supreme Court, which was formed by the Constitution, maintains absolute authority of all the laws in the country; Furthermore, the U.S. Supreme Court is tasked with analyzing which laws are deemed constitutional, as well as monitoring the works of the legislative and executive branches of government.                               Early Days of the Supreme Court      The Supreme Court originated from Article Three of the Constitution, which in addition allowed Congress the jurisdiction of establishing lower federal courts.  When the Judiciary Act of 1789 was signed into law, it was decided by the legislative branch that the Supreme Court would be composed of a total of six justices.   Once appointed, Supreme Court justices were permitted to remain on the court for a lifeti

My top 5 news sources

My top sources of news information include: 1.) New York Times-   The New York Times is my primary source of news information, and I read The Times at least three times a week.  Part of what attracted me to The Times was the fact that it tends to have a liberal perspective on many topics, particularly politics.  My political views are also liberal, which is why I acquire a great deal of my information from the New York Times.   I also admire how the New York Times covers a diverse range of topics, including politics, fashion, entertainment, social issues, etc.  My objective as a journalist is to broaden my horizon and stay informed about different events that are transpiring around the world.  Furthermore, The New York Times is easy to read, as the articles are clear, concise, and educational all at the same time.   Recently, I have begun reading more of the op-eds and opinion columns.  I would recommend the New York Times because it is among the top most credi