Blog Post #4-AntiWar

                                            Antiwar Voices

     Prior to exploring ANTIWAR.COM and the American Conservative, I had never read 

about or heard such strong opposition to the U.S. military engaging in wars.  The United 

States has been involved in a plethora of wars dating all the way back from the American 

Revolutionary War up until now.  As U.S. citizens, we are expected to remain patriotic, which 

includes showing support for our nation's war efforts.  

It is therefore why I believe that we never hear any antiwar views in the mainstream media, 

and instead we must seek out obscure websites.  I however have acquired new knowledge 

through reading these websites, as they have somewhat shifted my perspective on war.  

While I was reading an article on ANTIWAR.COM titled "Police Killings More Likely in 

Agencies That Get Military Gear, Data Shows", I was captivated but also appalled by the fact 

that police officers were permitted to use military equipment in their communities. 

 I personally do not agree with the decision, as I believe it creates distrust among citizens, 

particularly minorities and residents of lower quality communities.  I especially feel that with 

the climate we are currently living in with police brutality, protests, and the Black Lives Matter 

Movement, it is imperative that all community members feel that they can trust their local law-

enforcement officials.  Trust can be difficult to establish though when police are equipped with 

military gear, as it conveys the message that their objective is more so to battle community 

members rather than protect them.  

It was also articulated in the article that arming officers with military equipment creates a 

psychological effect, which likewise causes them to believe that they are the equivalence of 

soldiers on a battlefield and their goal is to win by any and all means necessary.  I personally 

do not feel it is appropriate for offers to be equipped with 1033 gear because they are not at 

war with citizens, and people should also feel that they can trust their law-enforcement 

officials to protect their communities. 







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