
Showing posts from October, 2020

Blog Post #7-Presentations

                              EOTO PRESENTATIONS      For the past week, our Media Law and Literacy class has been giving presentations regarding the  evolution of communication technologies.  It is personally difficult for me to imagine life without  technology, which is why I found the presentations to be both informative and captivating.  One  technology I especially enjoyed learning about was the development of the mobile cell phone. Prior to the invention of mobile phones, people used car phones, which were wildly prevalent in the  early 1970s.  By virtue of how expensive car phones were, many people were unable to afford them.   The first cell phone was invented on April 3, 1973 by Martin Cooper.  Cell phones were created for the purpose of allowing people to communicate on the phone from any  distance without having to use car phones.  As time progressed, the size of cell phones became smaller  and new features, such as screened display, wi-fi connection, and touchscreens were i

Blog Post #4-AntiWar

                                             Antiwar Voices       Prior to exploring ANTIWAR.COM and the American Conservative, I had never read  about  or heard such strong opposition to the U.S. military engaging in wars.  The United  States has  been involved in a plethora of wars dating all the way back from the American  Revolutionary  War up until now.  As U.S. citizens, we are expected to remain patriotic, which  includes showing  support for our nation's war efforts.   It is therefore why I believe that we  never hear any antiwar  views in the mainstream media,  and instead we must seek out  obscure websites.  I however  have acquired new knowledge  through reading these websites,  as they have somewhat shifted  my perspective on war.   While I was reading an article on  ANTIWAR.COM titled "Police Killings  More Likely in  Agencies That Get Military Gear, Data  Shows", I was captivated but also  appalled  by the fact  that police officers were permitted to  use mi

Blog Post #6-EOTO project

                                            Instant Messaging      We live in a digital world, as the use of technology continues to evolve each year.  With  the  world at our fingertips, a majority of the U.S. populations owns a mobile device, such as  iPhones, smartphones, laptops, tablets, etc.   With the advancement of technology, we have  the luxury of shopping online, downloading  music, purchasing movies and television shows,  connecting with others through social media  sites, as well as taking virtual classes.  One of  the greatest benefits of technology though is  Instant Messaging.  Instant Messaging is a text  based communication strategy that allows  two  or more people to engage in conversations  through their phones or online.                                Links:                                                                                                                  History of

Blog Post 5

                                  Freedom of Expression Values As I contemplate about the eight values of Freedom of Expression, I would say the four that  resonate with me the most are: Marketplace of Ideas, Participation in Self-Government,  Stable  Change, and Individual Self-Fulfillment. 1.) Marketplace of Ideas (Discovery of Truth)-John Milton's ideology suggests that truth will  always prevail over falsehoods, which I agree with to a degree.  I especially believe that this  freedom can be associated with court cases both civil and criminal.  In court, it is often  believed that after hearing all sides of the case, those on the side of right will always prevail.   In many cases this is true, however, facts are sometimes either ignored or are deemed  insufficient.  Furthermore, many people are often ridiculed for speaking the truth in everyday  life.  I however, believe that Marketplace of Ideas are imperative because without the  Discovery of Truth in our lives, we would live